Plant Sale- Varieties to expect

Double Sunking Sunflower
A super cheerful, fully double sunflower that is top choice for arrangements! It reaches 6' tall with fluffy golden heads that are plush and soft. Extra long vase life and lower pollen count makes this a superb choice for cutting gardens and floral design. Photo Credit: Baker Creek
Mammoth Grey Striped Sunflower
The standard giant variety that produces delicious seeds. The 10 foot plants produce heads that average 12 inches across. A stately garden plant. Photo Credit: Baker Creek
Criolla De Cocina Pepper
Plants produce small 4-inch peppers that are fragrant and richly flavored; these have strong pepper flavor, making them perfect for a variety of dishes. Fruit is very wrinkled and unique looking. Photo Credit: Baker Creek
Jalapeno, Craig's Grande Jalapeno Pepper
A big, fat jalapeño that is perfect for making lots of salsa. Perfect for anyone who loves jalapeños. It has thick, flavorful, hot flesh. Photo Credit: Baker Creek
Orange Spice Jalapeno
This vibrant, tangerine-orange variety was bred using natural back-crossing techniques, resulting in an extra rich tasting and super eye-catching fruit. The NuMex series was created in response to Americans’ increasing appreciation for eating a rainbow of nutrition. Super ornamental and extremely prolific, these have a wonderful fruity-citrus taste and are packed with nutrition, and are only moderately spicy. Photo Credit: Baker Creek
Sugar Rush Peach Hot Pepper
Amazing Sugar-Sweet Flavor and Some Fire Too! A sumptuous snacking pepper, Sugar Rush Peach is by far the most fun pepper to eat. The long, peach-colored fruit is packed with loads of super sweet, tropical flavor, and the seeds bring a smoky, complex heat that when used together, creates a wild flavor experience unparalleled in any pepper we have tried. Photo Credit: Baker Creek
Mini Bell Pepper Mix
A trio of mini red, yellow and chocolate bell peppers These 2-inch mini bell peppers are perfect for snacking, stuffing or pickling. Plants produce an abundance of tiny colorful orbs, easy to grow and so rewarding. Photo Credit: Baker Creek
Brad's Atomic Grape Tomato (Cherry)
75 days. Elongated, large cherries in clusters. The color (and flavor!) is a full-blown assault on the senses—lavender and purple stripes, turning to technicolor olive-green, red, and brown/blue stripes when fully ripe. Really wild! Fruit holds well on the vine or off, making this amazing variety a good candidate for market growers. Olive green interior is blushed with red when dead-ripe. Crack-resistant fruit is extraordinarily sweet! Indeterminate. Photo Credit: Baker Creek
Black Strawberry (Cherry)
60 days. Fantastic, sugar-sweet tomato flavor, that is fruity, with a hint of grape and plum flavors. This 1-ounce fruit is marbled in blue, scarlet and gold. The flavor is decadent and indulgent, with perfectly sweet and tart balanced flavor! This extremely productive and early variety makes it an obvious choice for gardeners who want rugged, early-producing plants, and do not want to sacrifice eating quality. Indeterminate. Photo Credit: Baker Creek
Orange Hat Tomato (Cherry)
65-70 days. New this year! A rarity! Extra dwarf bush plants reach just 6-9 inches in height but the plants are wildly prolific, offering oodles of tiny orange orbs that burst with fruity sweet flavor. This is the perfect indoor or patio tomato, comfortably fitting in a 6-inch pot. Try these colorful and compact plants as an edible ornamental, mass planted in beds or borders or in mixed containers. Determinate. Photo Credit: Baker Creek
Sweet Million Tomato (Cherry)
60-65 days. Grow some of the first cherry tomatoes in the neighborhood! Plant begins bearing early and continues on through the growing season, producing many clusters of small, bright red fruit. Tomatoes are sweet-tasting, making them just the thing for snacks and salads. Crack-resistant. While vines don’t tend to get as tall as many other cherry tomato varieties, plants will still need to be staked or caged. Indeterminate. (Plants grown from Territorial Seeds)
Napa Chardonnay Tomato (Cherry)
65-70 days. Yellow mutation from Napa Rosé Blush, Brad says this one has “a super-amazing flavor,” with many who tasted it for the first time proclaiming it the very best cherry type they had ever tasted. Also, this variety is very easy to grow and does especially well in containers. Indeterminate. Photo Credit: Baker Creek
Blue Cream Berries (Cherry)
75 days A favorite! A super-sweet cherry tomato, cream berries are super prolific. These boast a delicate but complex flavor and a beautiful cream color with purple-blue splashes on the shoulder. A Wild Boar variety. Indeterminate.
Martino's Roma Tomato
70-80 days. Fantastic yields of richly flavorful plum-shaped tomatoes, on compact plants that require very little staking! Resistant to early blight, reliable for home or market gardens! The paste-type fruits weigh in at 2-3 ounces, dry-fleshed and very meaty with few seeds. Great for sauces, salsas and pastes. Determinate. Photo Credit: Baker Creek
Orange Jazz Tomato
85 days These beautiful beefsteaks are fruity in flavor, juicy and even crunchy in texture, justly earning top marks in our tomato tasting trials. We noted sugary sweet and complex flavor with a hint of peach. Plants require sturdy staking, as they are large and wildly productive. A real favorite and wonderful variety for home and market gardens. Indeterminate. Photo Credit: Baker Creek
Blue Beauty Tomato
85 days. A cross between ‘Beauty King’ and a blue tomato. Fruit is modest beefsteak-type slicer, weighing up to 8 ounces, and the flavor is as good as its outstanding antioxidant content! Gorgeous, deep blue-black shoulders make this unique among slicing types. Indeterminate. Photo Credit: Baker Creek
Pink Berkeley Tie-Dye Tomato
75 days. Compact plants produce beautiful 8-12 ounce fruit with a very sweet, rich, dark tomato flavor. 10 out of 10 people liked the port wine colored beefsteak with metallic green stripes better than Cherokee Purple in a farmers market taste off. Indeterminate. Photo Credit: Baker Creek
Honey Boat Delicata Squash
One of the sweetest squash varieties in existence. Oblong, Delicata-shaped squash has tan skin with green stripes. Excellent quality and produces early. Photo Credit: Baker Creek
Flat White Boer Pumpkin
Attractive, very flat, pure white pumpkins that are unique and tasty. Very sweet orange flesh is perfect for pies and baking. A wonderful decorating and eating variety that was historically popular in South Africa and was named for the Dutch Boers, who were once the colonial power. Photo Credit: Baker Creek
Zucchini Fordhook
Classic, cylindrical, dark-green straight to slightly curved zucchinis. Tender, creamy white flesh freezes well. Vigorous and productive bush plants. Photo Credit: Baker Creek
Early Summer Yellow Crookneck Squash
These are easily our favorite summer squash. Nothing like the smooth, yellow squash you fine in the super market, these ugly little beauties are bursting with flavor! They are sweet and nutty, with a wonderfully meaty texture. Photo Credit: Baker Creek
Lemon Cucumber
The shape, size, and color of a lemon, but with super-sweet flavor! The lemon cucumber is a pretty convincing fake, with round, lemon-yellow fruit and a swollen blossom end, just like a real lemon. Alas, the lemon cuke is a true cucumber, a result of naturally selecting for round, yellow fruit. The flesh is citrusy and adds a real zip to salads! Fantastic for kids’ gardens. Photo Credit: Baker Creek
Aonaga Jibai Cucumber
Exceptionally sweet, tender, and above all -- hardy. The long, slender 8-inch fruit is bitter free and super sweet with inconspicuous seeds, making it a perfect marketing cucumber with flavor that stands out from the rest! They withstand drought, moisture and attack of fungoid disease to a remarkable degree.” Photo Credit: Baker Creek
Muncher Cucumber
No pollinators necessary for this stellar burpless cuke, making it perfect for greenhouse cultivation! Without insects, the vines produce seedless fruits that remain tender and tasty for longer. This tender, dual-purpose variety makes great pickles and is excellent for fresh eating right out of the garden! Nearly spineless fruit mature at 6 to 8 inches long and plump to 3 inches wide. Produces abundantly on strong vigorous vines. For pickling, harvest at 4 to 6 inches long. Photo Credit: Baker Creek
Beit Alpha Cucumber
A delicious, very sweet cucumber that is usually picked small and does not need peeling as the skin is very tender. This variety is very popular in the Mediterranean, having been developed in Israel at a kibbutz farm. Now becoming popular with Americans because of the fruits’ fine flavor and high yields. They are also burpless and have great shelf life. 1-2 plants per pot Photo Credit: Baker Creek
Mexican Sour Gehrkins (Cucamelons)
Incredible, small cucumber-like fruit is shaped like baby watermelons. They are good added to salads or can be pickled. They have a cucumber-like taste with a touch of lemon. The ornamental vines have tiny leaves and flowers and are perfect for the cottage garden. Very unique and fun for kids. 1-2 plants per pot. Photo Credit: Baker Creek
Rio Grande Verde Tomatillo
This special selection of Tomatillo yields large, apple-green fruits. The mediumsized, determinate plants need no staking. The globe shaped fruits reach 3-4 ounces, very large for a tomatillo, and the yields are very high. Tomatillos do best in pairs. Photo Credit: Baker Creek
Purple Tomatillo
Plants are prolific covered in large glowing orbs that are mostly purple with just a few partially green fruit in the mix (more sunshine will produce a more pure purple fruit.) Many are a bright violet color throughout their flesh. Much sweeter than the green types, it can be eaten right off the plant. A nutrient-rich fruit for making sweet and spicy salsas and for experimenting in our heirloom kitchen! Photo Credit: Baker Creek
Sugar Daddy Snap Pea
Superbly snackable and intensely tasty, this is a truly stringless edible-podded sugar snap pea with a brix (aka natural sugar) level that is just off the charts! The semi-dwarf vines reach just 24 inches tall and can be trellised or allowed to grow without support. Each bushy vine produces a bounty of 3-inch-long pods that can be eaten whole or shelled. 6 plants per pack. Photo Credit: Baker Creek
Sugar Bon Snap Peas
A delightful dwarf variety that matures early, is suitable for spring or fall planting and produces sublimely sweet 3-inch pods borne on 1-2 foot tall plants. Plants produce mega yields of the crispy, crunchy sweet and snackable peas that have have both edible pods and peas. This early, high yielder is tidy and prolific, making it a perfect choice for tucking into square-foot gardens or for mingling in your cottage garden among the flowers or in tidy container gardens. Photo Credit: Baker Creek
King Tut Purple Pea
Stunning fuschia purple flowers give way to tasty, fat purple pods on strong and vigorous plants that love cool weather. This variety has proven highly productive and makes a delicious soup pea, or picked young as a purple snow pea. 6 pea plants per pack. Photo Credit Baker Creek